深入理解计算机操作系统 英文 2th
本书的最大优点是为程序员描述计算机系统的实现细节,帮助其在大脑中构造一个层次型的计算机系统,从最底层的数据在内存中的表示到流水线指令的构成,到虚拟存储器,到编译系统,到动态加载库,到最后的用户态应用。通过掌握程序是如何映射到系统上,以及程序是如何执行的,读者能够更好地理解程序的行为为什么是这样的,以及效率低下是如何造成的。-Book detail from the programmer s perspective the essence of the concept of computer systems, and show how these concepts affect the real accuracy of the application, performance and practicality. The book is 12 chapters, including information representation and processing, the program said the machine-level, processor architecture, optimizing application performance, memory hierarchy, links, exception control flow, virtual memory, system-level I/O, network programming , concurrent programming. The book provides numerous examples and exercises, and gives part of the answer, as described in the text help readers to deepen understanding of concepts and knowledge.
The biggest advantage of this book is for programmers to describe the implementation details of computer systems to help them in the brain to construct a hierarchical computer system, from the underlying data representation in memory instructions to the pipeline structure, to the virtual memory, to Build systems to dynamic load
本书的最大优点是为程序员描述计算机系统的实现细节,帮助其在大脑中构造一个层次型的计算机系统,从最底层的数据在内存中的表示到流水线指令的构成,到虚拟存储器,到编译系统,到动态加载库,到最后的用户态应用。通过掌握程序是如何映射到系统上,以及程序是如何执行的,读者能够更好地理解程序的行为为什么是这样的,以及效率低下是如何造成的。-Book detail from the programmer s perspective the essence of the concept of computer systems, and show how these concepts affect the real accuracy of the application, performance and practicality. The book is 12 chapters, including information representation and processing, the program said the machine-level, processor architecture, optimizing application performance, memory hierarchy, links, exception control flow, virtual memory, system-level I/O, network programming , concurrent programming. The book provides numerous examples and exercises, and gives part of the answer, as described in the text help readers to deepen understanding of concepts and knowledge.
The biggest advantage of this book is for programmers to describe the implementation details of computer systems to help them in the brain to construct a hierarchical computer system, from the underlying data representation in memory instructions to the pipeline structure, to the virtual memory, to Build systems to dynamic load