Warren Buffett rocks back in his chair, long legs crossed at the knee behind his father Howard’s plain
wooden desk. His expensive Zegna suit jacket bunches around his shoulders like an untailored version bought
off the rack. The jacket stays on all day, every day, no matter how casually the other fifteen employees at
Berkshire Hathaway headquarters are dressed. His predictable white shirt sits low on the neck, its undersize
collar bulging away from his tie, looking left over from his days as a young businessman, as if he had
forgotten to check his neck size for the last forty years
wooden desk. His expensive Zegna suit jacket bunches around his shoulders like an untailored version bought
off the rack. The jacket stays on all day, every day, no matter how casually the other fifteen employees at
Berkshire Hathaway headquarters are dressed. His predictable white shirt sits low on the neck, its undersize
collar bulging away from his tie, looking left over from his days as a young businessman, as if he had
forgotten to check his neck size for the last forty years