While the vast majority of the literature available is monographic, dedicated to
a specific circuit, this book tries to emphasize that various microcontrollers have
many common structural characteristics in fact they are all implementations of the
same concept. When starting with the big picture, it’s easier to focus on details from
time to time, than to build the big picture, starting from details.-While the vast majority of the literature available is monographic, dedicated to
a specific circuit, this book tries to emphasize that various microcontrollers have
many common structural characteristics in fact they are all implementations of the
same concept. When starting with the big picture, it’s easier to focus on details from
time to time, than to build the big picture, starting from details.
a specific circuit, this book tries to emphasize that various microcontrollers have
many common structural characteristics in fact they are all implementations of the
same concept. When starting with the big picture, it’s easier to focus on details from
time to time, than to build the big picture, starting from details.-While the vast majority of the literature available is monographic, dedicated to
a specific circuit, this book tries to emphasize that various microcontrollers have
many common structural characteristics in fact they are all implementations of the
same concept. When starting with the big picture, it’s easier to focus on details from
time to time, than to build the big picture, starting from details.
Advanced microelectronics - Microcontrollers in Practice.pdf