Delphi是一种非常优秀的可视化程序开发语言,Delphi 5 基于Windows 95/98/NT,采用高度结构化的Object Pascal语言,具有结构清晰、编译迅速等特点。它强大的可扩展数据库功能更赢得了无数数据库开发人员的青睐。本书详细介绍了Delphi 5 所增加的强大的数据库编程工具,例如ADO组件、IBX组件和数据模块设计窗口。本书由浅入深,系统地介绍了如何利用Delphi 5 强大的开发工具进行数据库应用程序的开发,并结合每一部分的内容,列举了大量实例,以便于读者掌握。本书适用于从事数据库应用程序开发的广大技术人员以及作为各院校师生的学习参考。 -Delphi is a very good visual programming language, Delphi 5 on Windows 95/98/NT, a highly structured Object Pascal language with a clear structure, compile, and so quickly. Its powerful database functionality can be extended even won the favor of many database developers. This book details the increase in Delphi 5 powerful database programming tools, such as ADO components, IBX components and data module design window. Book Deep systematically explains how to use Delphi 5 powerful development tool for database application development, combined with the contents of each part, cited a number of examples for the reader to grasp. This book is for database application development in the majority of technical staff and students as the institutions of learning reference.
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DELPHI 5数据库开发技术
DELPHI 5数据库开发技术