它提供了一个所见即所得的环境,包括一个直观的CSS样式编辑器。你编辑时看到的菜单(包括样式)和软件最终生成的是一样的。 脚本文件(web_tree.js)提供了一个可高度扩展的事件驱动对象模型, 通过编程,你可以令每个结点都有不同的样式。通过添加事件处理函数和回调函数,你可以设置所需的行为特性或进行二次开发。脚本已内置的一些很有用的功能,如支持拖放操作, 动态载入等。
兼容性: 脚本文件 (web_tree.js) 适用于Internet Explorer 5.0 及以后版本, Netscape Navigator 6.0 及以后版本。-It provides a WYSIWYG environment, including an intuitive CSS style editor. See when you edit the menu (including styles) and the resulting software is the same. scr ipt file (web_tree.js) provides a highly scalable event-driven object model programmatically, you can make each node has a different style. And by adding the event handler callback function, you can set the desired characteristics or behavior of the second development. scr ipts have been built some very useful features such as support for drag and drop, dynamic loading and so on. Compatibility: scr ipt file (web_tree.js) for Internet Explorer 5.0 and later, Netscape Navigator 6.0 and later.
兼容性: 脚本文件 (web_tree.js) 适用于Internet Explorer 5.0 及以后版本, Netscape Navigator 6.0 及以后版本。-It provides a WYSIWYG environment, including an intuitive CSS style editor. See when you edit the menu (including styles) and the resulting software is the same. scr ipt file (web_tree.js) provides a highly scalable event-driven object model programmatically, you can make each node has a different style. And by adding the event handler callback function, you can set the desired characteristics or behavior of the second development. scr ipts have been built some very useful features such as support for drag and drop, dynamic loading and so on. Compatibility: scr ipt file (web_tree.js) for Internet Explorer 5.0 and later, Netscape Navigator 6.0 and later.
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WebTree Maker
WebTree Maker