摘 要:基于块的运动估计是视频压缩国际标准中广泛采用的关键技术。在对目前运动估计快速块匹配算法研究的基础上,描述了运动估计
的原理;揭示 了在图像质量、搜索速度和压缩码率等方面提高算法效率时存在的3 类主要问题 :初始搜索点的选择、匹配准则和搜索策略 ;
分另 q 阐述了目前常用的解决这3 类问题的方法,并进行了比较和分析 ;提出了对运动估计算法的一些展望。-Abstract: The block-based motion estimation is a video compression standard is widely used in international key technology. In the current fast block matching motion estimation algorithm based on the principles described in the motion estimation revealed in image quality, the search speed and compression rate and so improve the efficiency exists in the 3 principal issues: the initial search point selection, matching criteria and search strategies points q describes the other currently used to solve the 3 class problem, and compared and analyzed proposed motion estimation algorithm on some prospects.
的原理;揭示 了在图像质量、搜索速度和压缩码率等方面提高算法效率时存在的3 类主要问题 :初始搜索点的选择、匹配准则和搜索策略 ;
分另 q 阐述了目前常用的解决这3 类问题的方法,并进行了比较和分析 ;提出了对运动估计算法的一些展望。-Abstract: The block-based motion estimation is a video compression standard is widely used in international key technology. In the current fast block matching motion estimation algorithm based on the principles described in the motion estimation revealed in image quality, the search speed and compression rate and so improve the efficiency exists in the 3 principal issues: the initial search point selection, matching criteria and search strategies points q describes the other currently used to solve the 3 class problem, and compared and analyzed proposed motion estimation algorithm on some prospects.