-Simple rotation law c language. Each process has a process control block (PCB) said. Process control block can contain the following information: process name, priority number, arrival time, you need to run time, has spent CUP time, the process state and so on. Process priority number, and the need to run time can be specified in advance to artificially (you can also randomly generated). Process the input arrival time for the process time. Process run time is calculated in units of time slices. The state of each process can be ready, running, completed one of three states. Ready access to CPU after the process can only run one time slice. CUP with a time occupied by 1 to represent.
-Simple rotation law c language. Each process has a process control block (PCB) said. Process control block can contain the following information: process name, priority number, arrival time, you need to run time, has spent CUP time, the process state and so on. Process priority number, and the need to run time can be specified in advance to artificially (you can also randomly generated). Process the input arrival time for the process time. Process run time is calculated in units of time slices. The state of each process can be ready, running, completed one of three states. Ready access to CPU after the process can only run one time slice. CUP with a time occupied by 1 to represent.