关于超小波contourlet变换的最近英文文文献资料,想学习contourlet变换的可以下载来看看.-Super-wavelet transform on the most recent English text contourlet literature, want to learn contourlet transformation can download to see.
........\A New Space image Segmentation Method Based on The NSCT.pdf
........\A Novel Algorithm Based on Contourelt Transform.pdf
........\Directional Multiscale Modeling of Images Using the CT.pdf
........\HMT-Contourelt Image Segmentation Based On Majority Vote.pdf
........\Image Deniosing Based on Contourlet Translation.pdf
........\Infrared and visible image fusion enhancement technology based on multi-scale directional analysis.pdf
........\Infrared Image Denoosing Method Based on Improved C_HMT Model.pdf
........\Infrared image object recognition based on invariant contourlet sub-band features.pdf
........\Inter-scale Corraltion Image.pdf
........\Multi-scale Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on SPCNN and Contourlet.pdf
........\Texture Image Retrieval Using Contourlet Transform.pdf
........\A New Space image Segmentation Method Based on The NSCT.pdf
........\A Novel Algorithm Based on Contourelt Transform.pdf
........\Directional Multiscale Modeling of Images Using the CT.pdf
........\HMT-Contourelt Image Segmentation Based On Majority Vote.pdf
........\Image Deniosing Based on Contourlet Translation.pdf
........\Infrared and visible image fusion enhancement technology based on multi-scale directional analysis.pdf
........\Infrared Image Denoosing Method Based on Improved C_HMT Model.pdf
........\Infrared image object recognition based on invariant contourlet sub-band features.pdf
........\Inter-scale Corraltion Image.pdf
........\Multi-scale Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on SPCNN and Contourlet.pdf
........\Texture Image Retrieval Using Contourlet Transform.pdf