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WTL起步-玩转图形界面 WTL是2000年1月随Windows的平台SDK始发的。起初是ATL项目组写的一个基于ATL的,封装了相关win32窗口API的例程。自 ATL2.0开始,ATL就已经有一些简单的相关窗口函数的封装类,例如:CWindow,CWindowImpl和CDialogImpl。然而,当我们比较MFC的界面相关部分的功能时,ATL对界面编程的支持简直就是一个玩笑。甚至到了ATL3.0,ATL仍然没有对诸如MDI,命令条,DDX,打印,GDI等流行功能的支持。最被人喜爱的MFC的CString也没被支持进来。没有对这些功能的支持,ATL很难满足拥有压倒性数量的使用MFC的编程人员的需求。WTL就是ATL项目组认为ATL风格的窗口编程模型应该有的样子。表1列出了WTL与MFC在界面编程相关功能方面的比较。-WTLStartFunGraphicalInterface WTL is January 2000 with the departure of the Windows platform SDK. ATL was originally written by a team based on ATL, and package the relevant win32 windows API routines. Since the beginning ATL2.0, ATL has been associated with some simple wrapper classes window function, such as: CWindow, CWindowImpl and CDialogImpl. However, when we compare the relevant parts of the interface MFC functions, ATL programming support on the interface is simply a joke. Even to the ATL3.0, ATL is still not as MDI, command bar, DDX, printing, GDI and other popular features of the support. The most popular of the MFC s CString did not come to be supported. Did not support these features, ATL is difficult to meet the overwhelming number of persons using the MFC programming needs. WTL is the style of ATL ATL project team that should have a window like programming model. Table 1 lists WTL and MFC programming interface-related functions in the comparison.

相关搜索: ATL





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