序号 工作项目 说明 形成文件 责任部门 备注
1.1 确定新产品设计/开发来源 销售部根据公司的战略规范或市场分析与调研提出产品开发计划 《新产品开发建议书》 销售部 ◎
1.2 可行性分析及产品正式立项 由技术部组织人员进行进行可行性分析,将分析结果报总经理审核通过后正式立项 《新产品开发可行性评估报告》 技术部 ◎
1.3 初步设计开发成本核算 根据相关资料、样品进行初步开发成本分析 《新产品开发成本分析》 财务部 ◎
1.4 成立产品开发小组 由技术部经理组织人员成立产品开发小组 《产品开发小组名单及职责》 技术部 ●
1.5 产品设计开发计划 由产品开发小组责任人编制详细的开发计划 《产品开发计划》 产品开发小组 ●
-New product design and development process
Descr iption of the project document the serial number work responsible departments Remarks
The first phase of the project plan and determine
1.1 the identification of new product design/development from sales under the company s strategic norms or market analysis and product development research program proposed by the "new product development proposals" Sales ◎
1.2 The formal project feasibility analysis, and product technology department organized by the staff to conduct a feasibility analysis, the results reported after the passage of a formal project review, general manager of the "new product development feasibility study report" Technology ◎
1.3 Preliminary design and development of cost accounting in accordance with relevant data and samples of the initial development costs, "the cost of new product development," Finance ◎
1.4 set up product development team organized by the technical manager of personnel set up the product
序号 工作项目 说明 形成文件 责任部门 备注
1.1 确定新产品设计/开发来源 销售部根据公司的战略规范或市场分析与调研提出产品开发计划 《新产品开发建议书》 销售部 ◎
1.2 可行性分析及产品正式立项 由技术部组织人员进行进行可行性分析,将分析结果报总经理审核通过后正式立项 《新产品开发可行性评估报告》 技术部 ◎
1.3 初步设计开发成本核算 根据相关资料、样品进行初步开发成本分析 《新产品开发成本分析》 财务部 ◎
1.4 成立产品开发小组 由技术部经理组织人员成立产品开发小组 《产品开发小组名单及职责》 技术部 ●
1.5 产品设计开发计划 由产品开发小组责任人编制详细的开发计划 《产品开发计划》 产品开发小组 ●
-New product design and development process
Descr iption of the project document the serial number work responsible departments Remarks
The first phase of the project plan and determine
1.1 the identification of new product design/development from sales under the company s strategic norms or market analysis and product development research program proposed by the "new product development proposals" Sales ◎
1.2 The formal project feasibility analysis, and product technology department organized by the staff to conduct a feasibility analysis, the results reported after the passage of a formal project review, general manager of the "new product development feasibility study report" Technology ◎
1.3 Preliminary design and development of cost accounting in accordance with relevant data and samples of the initial development costs, "the cost of new product development," Finance ◎
1.4 set up product development team organized by the technical manager of personnel set up the product