Primavera 6.0(原p3e/c)荟萃了P3软件20年的项目管理精髓和经验,采用最新的IT技术,在大型关系数据库Oracle和MS SQL Server上构架起企业级的、包涵现代项目管理知识体系的、具有高度灵活性和开放性的、以计划—协同—跟踪—控制—-积累为主线的企业级工程项目管理软件,是项目管理理论演变为实用技术的经典之作。项目管理是一项真正意义上的团队运动。项目实施中的业主、监理、计划工程师、项目经理、商务经理、承包商、分包商及供应商等都需要进行快速而高效的沟通与协作才能正确地完成自己承担的工作。-Primavera 6.0 (original p3e/c) meets the 20-year P3 project management software and experience the essence, using the latest IT technologies, in a large relational database on Oracle and MS SQL Server from enterprise-class architecture, bear with knowledge of modern project management system with a high degree of flexibility and openness to plan- Coordination- Tracking- Control- accumulation of the main line of enterprise-level engineering project management software, project management theory is turned into practical techniques of the classic.
Primavera API应用手册.pdf