车载自组网的发展与现状,包括网络结构 主要特点,应用举例,难点与重点,研究现状,物理层参数,MAC 层协议,帧结构,接入方式,802.11DCF,RR-ALOHA,CSMA/CA 和RR-ALOHA 的比较,路由协议
-Vehicle Development and Status of ad hoc networks, including the main features of network structure, application examples, difficulties with focused, current research, physical layer parameters, MAC layer protocol, fr a me structure, access methods, 802.11DCF, RR-ALOHA, CSMA/CA and RR-ALOHA comparison of routing protocols
-Vehicle Development and Status of ad hoc networks, including the main features of network structure, application examples, difficulties with focused, current research, physical layer parameters, MAC layer protocol, fr a me structure, access methods, 802.11DCF, RR-ALOHA, CSMA/CA and RR-ALOHA comparison of routing protocols