车票信息采用半十字链表.横向链表中的每一个结点包含以下内容:车次,起始站,发车时间,指向下一个结点的指针,指向中途站的指针.纵向链表中每一个结点包含以下内容:从始发站开始的依次到站,票价,到达时间,是否已被购买标识,才用mark标识,当mark为1时车票已售出,当mark为0时车票还未售出.以及指向下一个结点的指针.纵向链表采用循环链表,尾指针指向首指针.-Cross-linked by semi-ticket information. Horizontal list of each node contains the following: train number, starting point, departure time, point to the next node pointer midway point of the pointer. Vertical list in each node contains the following: starting from the departure station of the order of arrival, fares, arrival time, it has been identified to purchase only identified with the mark, when the mark was 1 tickets have been sold, when the mark of 0 tickets also unsold. and point to the next node pointer. longitudinal cyclic linked list tail pointer to the first pointer.