针对混沌参数调制( C P M) 的电力线通信( P L C) 中谐波引起的窄带干扰, 两阶段动态估计方法根据最小
相空间体积( MP S V) 准则估计模型参数, 计算量大。为此, 提出将未知参数合并到增广状态矩阵的联合卡尔曼滤
波方法, 避免了专门的参数估计过程, 在提高增益性能的同时有效降低了计算量。方法的性能通过对混沌电力
线通信下的单音干扰和多音干扰的有效抑制得到了验证。-For the chaotic parameter modulation (CPM) of the power line communication (PLC) in the narrow-band interference caused by harmonics, two-phase dynamic estimation methods with minimum phase space volume (MP SV) criterion estimate model parameters, calculation of volume. Toward this end, the unknown parameters into augmented state matrix of the joint Kalman filter, to avoid the special parameter estimation process, while improving the performance gain reduces the amount of calculation. Method of performance under the power line communication by chaotic multitone jamming tone interference and the effective suppression has been verified.
相空间体积( MP S V) 准则估计模型参数, 计算量大。为此, 提出将未知参数合并到增广状态矩阵的联合卡尔曼滤
波方法, 避免了专门的参数估计过程, 在提高增益性能的同时有效降低了计算量。方法的性能通过对混沌电力
线通信下的单音干扰和多音干扰的有效抑制得到了验证。-For the chaotic parameter modulation (CPM) of the power line communication (PLC) in the narrow-band interference caused by harmonics, two-phase dynamic estimation methods with minimum phase space volume (MP SV) criterion estimate model parameters, calculation of volume. Toward this end, the unknown parameters into augmented state matrix of the joint Kalman filter, to avoid the special parameter estimation process, while improving the performance gain reduces the amount of calculation. Method of performance under the power line communication by chaotic multitone jamming tone interference and the effective suppression has been verified.