有10个学生,每个学生的数据包括学好,姓名,3门课程的成绩,从键盘输入10个学生数据,要求输出三门课程总平均成绩,以及最高分的学生的数据(包括学号,姓名,3门课程成绩,平均分数)。要求利用指向数组的指针的方法,用一个input函数输入5个学生数据,用一个average函数求总平均分,用max函数找出最高分学生数据,总平均分和最高分的学生数据都在主函数中输出-There are 10 students, each student s data, including master, name, 3 course was good, 10 students from the keyboard input data, the average of three courses required output results, and the highest points of the student data (including student number, name, 3 course grade, the average score). Require the use of an array of pointers pointing to the method, with an input function input 5 student data, with an average total average demand function, with the max function to find the highest score student data, the total average score and highest score of the student data in the main function output