20世纪60年代初,麦卡锡提出了alpha-beta修剪算法,把为决定下一个走步而需对棋盘状态空间的搜索量从指数级减少为指数的平方根,大大地提高了机器下棋的水平。IBM的超级计算机“Deep Blue”更是一个神话,让棋迷们神往。本文根据国际象棋程序设计的一些成功经验,提出中国象棋程序设计的一些思路和方法。-Chinese Chess Java version of the project design source code and papers, also can be run with a finished document. 60 early 20th century, McCarthy proposed alpha-beta pruning algorithm for the decision to walk and take the next state space on the board' s search volume index from the index level was reduced to the square root, greatly enhanced the level of chess machine. IBM supercomputer " Deep Blue" is a myth, so that chess fans were fascinated. This chess program designed according to some successful experience, raise a number of Chinese chess programming ideas and methods.
20世纪60年代初,麦卡锡提出了alpha-beta修剪算法,把为决定下一个走步而需对棋盘状态空间的搜索量从指数级减少为指数的平方根,大大地提高了机器下棋的水平。IBM的超级计算机“Deep Blue”更是一个神话,让棋迷们神往。本文根据国际象棋程序设计的一些成功经验,提出中国象棋程序设计的一些思路和方法。-Chinese Chess Java version of the project design source code and papers, also can be run with a finished document. 60 early 20th century, McCarthy proposed alpha-beta pruning algorithm for the decision to walk and take the next state space on the board' s search volume index from the index level was reduced to the square root, greatly enhanced the level of chess machine. IBM supercomputer " Deep Blue" is a myth, so that chess fans were fascinated. This chess program designed according to some successful experience, raise a number of Chinese chess programming ideas and methods.