-(1) the definition of multi-dimensional array of type integer, the dimension subscr ipt is any integer beginning in integers (2) subscr ipt variable assignment, the implementation of subscr ipt range checks (3) the same type of array assignment (4) sub-array assignment, for example, a [1 .. n] = a [2 .. n+1] a [2 .. 4] [3 .. 5] = b [1 .. 3] [2 .. 4] (5) determine the size of the array.
-(1) the definition of multi-dimensional array of type integer, the dimension subscr ipt is any integer beginning in integers (2) subscr ipt variable assignment, the implementation of subscr ipt range checks (3) the same type of array assignment (4) sub-array assignment, for example, a [1 .. n] = a [2 .. n+1] a [2 .. 4] [3 .. 5] = b [1 .. 3] [2 .. 4] (5) determine the size of the array.