这是一个关于调用windows的内嵌浏览器的自定制窗口调用-This is a Win32 C application (ie, no MFC, WTL, nor even any C++-- just plain C) that demonstrates
how to embed a browser "control" (actually, an OLE object) in your own window (in order to display a
web page, or an HTML file on disk).
This example opens two windows, each containing a browser object. The first window displays an HTML
string in memory. The second window displays Microsoft s web site. We also disable the pop-up context
menu, and resize the browser to fill our window.
This is very loosely based upon a C++ example written by Chris Becke. I used that to learn the minimum
of what I needed to know about hosting the browser object. Then I wrote this example from the ground up
in C.
This requires IE 5.0 (or better)-- due to the IDocHostUIHandler interface, or a browser that supports
the same level of OLE in-place activation.
how to embed a browser "control" (actually, an OLE object) in your own window (in order to display a
web page, or an HTML file on disk).
This example opens two windows, each containing a browser object. The first window displays an HTML
string in memory. The second window displays Microsoft s web site. We also disable the pop-up context
menu, and resize the browser to fill our window.
This is very loosely based upon a C++ example written by Chris Becke. I used that to learn the minimum
of what I needed to know about hosting the browser object. Then I wrote this example from the ground up
in C.
This requires IE 5.0 (or better)-- due to the IDocHostUIHandler interface, or a browser that supports
the same level of OLE in-place activation.