- 所属分类:
- JSP源码/Java
- 资源属性:
- [Text]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 6kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- 郭**
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
此小程序的基本流程是,在一个文本文件存放里面备选的数据,数据的格式是每行有姓名 和 手机号
* 自定义一个线程,此线程是专门用来随机选取一个号码, 并且每隔50毫秒就将一个不同的号码显示在
* 号码框中,这样就实现了号码的快速滚动,实现了完全模拟电视当中抽奖的画面
* 为了实现选取出的一个号码不能再被选种,实现的方法是将他们从可变向量中清除出去
* 本程序的数据来源选用的是文本文件,原因有,第一,这是一个小程序,加上数据库显得不适宜。第二,本着
* 学习的态度,因为,如果用数据库来实现的话,很多功能都可以通过sql语句和 数据库的功能来实现。而此程序
* 所有的功能都需程序本身来承担完成。当然,对于有大量的数据来说,还是需要数据库的。像这样把数据一次性
* 读入内存中,大于大量数据是不行的!
* 此程序是在*面设计的环境eclipse下设计完成的,界面难免显得僵硬....
* 在以后的版本中还将实现,用户可以自己设定 名额,奖项等-The basic process of this applet is a text file in which alternative data storage, data format is each line a name and phone number
* Is a separator between them- to separate the. Then customize a method, through the separator to distinguish between the name and phone number, then
* They are stored into two different vectors were variable.
* Define a thread, this thread is designed to randomly select a number, and every 50 milliseconds, a different number will be displayed in the
* No box, so to achieve a number of rapidly rolling to achieve a complete picture of analog TV which draw
* In order to achieve selected out of a number can not be selection, implementation method is to clear them out from the variable vector
* Source of data used in this process is a text file, reasons, First, this is a small program with a database seems inappropriate. Second, in line with
* Learning attitude, because if the database to achieve it, many features are available through sq
* 自定义一个线程,此线程是专门用来随机选取一个号码, 并且每隔50毫秒就将一个不同的号码显示在
* 号码框中,这样就实现了号码的快速滚动,实现了完全模拟电视当中抽奖的画面
* 为了实现选取出的一个号码不能再被选种,实现的方法是将他们从可变向量中清除出去
* 本程序的数据来源选用的是文本文件,原因有,第一,这是一个小程序,加上数据库显得不适宜。第二,本着
* 学习的态度,因为,如果用数据库来实现的话,很多功能都可以通过sql语句和 数据库的功能来实现。而此程序
* 所有的功能都需程序本身来承担完成。当然,对于有大量的数据来说,还是需要数据库的。像这样把数据一次性
* 读入内存中,大于大量数据是不行的!
* 此程序是在*面设计的环境eclipse下设计完成的,界面难免显得僵硬....
* 在以后的版本中还将实现,用户可以自己设定 名额,奖项等-The basic process of this applet is a text file in which alternative data storage, data format is each line a name and phone number
* Is a separator between them- to separate the. Then customize a method, through the separator to distinguish between the name and phone number, then
* They are stored into two different vectors were variable.
* Define a thread, this thread is designed to randomly select a number, and every 50 milliseconds, a different number will be displayed in the
* No box, so to achieve a number of rapidly rolling to achieve a complete picture of analog TV which draw
* In order to achieve selected out of a number can not be selection, implementation method is to clear them out from the variable vector
* Source of data used in this process is a text file, reasons, First, this is a small program with a database seems inappropriate. Second, in line with
* Learning attitude, because if the database to achieve it, many features are available through sq
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