This little programs compares the stability and the complexity for the computation of the Lagrange interpolation of a given function for the following three methods:
1) Aitken-Neville-scheme
2) Divided differences and Horner-scheme
3) Barycentric coordinates
-This little programs compares the stability and the complexity for the computation of the Lagrange interpolation of a given function for the following three methods:
1) Aitken-Neville-scheme
2) Divided differences and Horner-scheme
3) Barycentric coordinates
1) Aitken-Neville-scheme
2) Divided differences and Horner-scheme
3) Barycentric coordinates
-This little programs compares the stability and the complexity for the computation of the Lagrange interpolation of a given function for the following three methods:
1) Aitken-Neville-scheme
2) Divided differences and Horner-scheme
3) Barycentric coordinates