飞鸟个人相册Flash版 v3.0
LajoxBox v1.0 基本功能:1. 歌词在线同步播放
2. 歌曲链接失效自动转入下一首并自动报错及报错功能管理.
3. 后台网站基本设置
-Asuka Personal Edition v3.0 LajoxBox v1.0 Flash Album basic functions: 1. Lyrics online simultaneous play 2. Songs automatically transferred to the next link failure and automatic error and the error function of management. 3. Background basic settings website
LajoxBox v1.0 基本功能:1. 歌词在线同步播放
2. 歌曲链接失效自动转入下一首并自动报错及报错功能管理.
3. 后台网站基本设置
-Asuka Personal Edition v3.0 LajoxBox v1.0 Flash Album basic functions: 1. Lyrics online simultaneous play 2. Songs automatically transferred to the next link failure and automatic error and the error function of management. 3. Background basic settings website