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  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • 提 供 者:
  • lei***
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自组织特征映射的基本原理是,当某类模式输入时,其输出层某一节点得到最大刺激而获胜,获胜节点周围的一些节点因侧向作用也受到较大刺激。这时网络进行一次学习操作,获胜节点及其周围节点的连接权矢量向输入模式的方向作相应的修正。当输入模式类别发生变化时,二维平面上的获胜节点也从原来节点转移到其它节点。这样,网络通过自组织方式用大量训练样本数据来调整网络的连接权值,最后使得网络输出层特征图能够反映样本数据的分布情况。根据SOM网络的输出状况,不仅能判断输入模式所属的类别,使输出节点代表某类模式,而且能够得到整个数据区域的分布情况,即从样本数据得到所有数据的分布特征。 -SOM neural network (self-organizing feature map neural network) is an unsupervised neural network. Network topology is an input layer and an output layer. Input layer nodes is the input dimension of the sample, each node represents a component input samples. Output layer nodes are arranged in two-dimensional array structure. X in the input layer and output layer each node of each neuron node Y by a weight (the weight vector as W) is connected, so that each output layer corresponds to a connection node of the right vector.

Self-organizing feature maps of the basic principle is, when each category of inputs into the model, its output layer one node get the maximum boost and win, Huoshengjiedian around Yixiejiedian Yin Zuo Yong Ye Shoudaojiaotai lateral stimulation. Then a learning network operation, the winner node and surrounding nodes in the right direction vector to the input mode to make consequential amendments. When the input mode type changes, the two-dimensional plane of the wi































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