-wire 总线是Maxim公司的产品,能实现在一根数据总线双向传输数据,其特有的64位全球唯一的光刻标识,使得一根数据总线上能挂接多个一线设备而无冲突,便于进行大规模的布点测控,使系统布线更方便,并最大限度的节省通信线的数量,但其独特的一线式通信协议,使其不能直接接入微机系统,而必须进行转换。硬件设计主要完成两个方面的设计,一是利用PC 机串行口供电的设计,另一是RS-232 电平到TTL电平转换的设计,硬件电路
--Wire bus is Maxim' s products, can achieve a two-way data bus transferring data, the unique 64-bit global unique identification lithography, making a data bus line can mount multiple devices without conflict, facilitate monitoring and control for large-scale distribution, the system wiring easier and to maximize the savings in the number of communication lines, but its unique line type communication protocol, it can not directly access computer systems, but must be converted. Hardware design was completed for two aspects of design, one serial port using PC-power design, and the other is RS-232 levels to TTL level converter design, the hardware circuit
--Wire bus is Maxim' s products, can achieve a two-way data bus transferring data, the unique 64-bit global unique identification lithography, making a data bus line can mount multiple devices without conflict, facilitate monitoring and control for large-scale distribution, the system wiring easier and to maximize the savings in the number of communication lines, but its unique line type communication protocol, it can not directly access computer systems, but must be converted. Hardware design was completed for two aspects of design, one serial port using PC-power design, and the other is RS-232 levels to TTL level converter design, the hardware circuit