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光栅扫描光谱仪的入射光线和出射光线的方向是固定的, 在光栅转动下进行分光, 这与
光栅不动而入射光方向改变的分光方法不同。由光栅方程出发, 计算出电脑自动控制多光栅转动
的光谱仪测试系统的角色散率、 线色散率和分辨本领, 得出光栅扫描光谱仪的角色散率、 线色散率
和分辨本领等参数公式。所得结果与光栅不动而入射光方向改变的光谱仪的角色散率、 线色散率
和分辨本领不同。这为光栅扫描光谱仪的使用和研究提供了理论依据-The grat ing scann ing spect rometer has inciden t and emergence ligh t s w ith f ixed
direct i on s . It wo rk s w hen it s grat ing ro tates . It′ s differen t f rom ano ther ligh t2sp lit t ing system
in w h ich the grat ing is f ixed, and the direct i on of the inciden t ligh t changes . Based on the
equat i on of the grat ing, the angu lar dispersive pow er, line dispersive pow er and reso lving pow er
of the spect rometer test ing system w ho se grat ing movemen t w as con t ro lled au tomat ically by a
compu ter w ere calcu lated theo ret ically . The parameter fo rmu lae of the angu lar dispersive
pow er, line dispersive pow er and reso lving pow er of the grat ing scann ing spect rometers w ere
ob tained . The calcu lated resu lt show s that the measu remen t s made by the grat ing scann ing
spect rometers are differen t f rom tho se of the spect rometers w ith f ixed grat ing
光栅不动而入射光方向改变的分光方法不同。由光栅方程出发, 计算出电脑自动控制多光栅转动
的光谱仪测试系统的角色散率、 线色散率和分辨本领, 得出光栅扫描光谱仪的角色散率、 线色散率
和分辨本领等参数公式。所得结果与光栅不动而入射光方向改变的光谱仪的角色散率、 线色散率
和分辨本领不同。这为光栅扫描光谱仪的使用和研究提供了理论依据-The grat ing scann ing spect rometer has inciden t and emergence ligh t s w ith f ixed
direct i on s . It wo rk s w hen it s grat ing ro tates . It′ s differen t f rom ano ther ligh t2sp lit t ing system
in w h ich the grat ing is f ixed, and the direct i on of the inciden t ligh t changes . Based on the
equat i on of the grat ing, the angu lar dispersive pow er, line dispersive pow er and reso lving pow er
of the spect rometer test ing system w ho se grat ing movemen t w as con t ro lled au tomat ically by a
compu ter w ere calcu lated theo ret ically . The parameter fo rmu lae of the angu lar dispersive
pow er, line dispersive pow er and reso lving pow er of the grat ing scann ing spect rometers w ere
ob tained . The calcu lated resu lt show s that the measu remen t s made by the grat ing scann ing
spect rometers are differen t f rom tho se of the spect rometers w ith f ixed grat ing
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