C#制作一个非矩形窗体之——文字形窗体,你见过用文字作为窗体吗?通过本实例,你将学会到这个技巧。当然在实际应用中,字体样式的选择很重要,如果字体不适合做窗体,即使做出来,窗体也不会漂亮,因此大家通过这个实例仅是学到方法,制作出好的文字窗体还要靠大家的积累和实践。-C# to produce a non rectangular form of the- text-shaped form, have you seen the text as a form with it? Through this example, you will learn to the skills. Of course, in practice, the font style choice is important, if the font is not suitable for the form, even if the do come out, the form will not be pretty too, so we have learned through the examples only way is to produce a good text form We also rely on the accumulation and practice.