让C#窗体中的控件、按钮以及菜单等随窗体的大小变化而变化,在Word中,大家会见到,当Word的窗体不是最大化的时候,那些操作按钮会自动隐藏起来,用箭头来代替,点击箭头会显示出被隐藏的按钮,那么这个窗体就实现这种功能,当你把本窗口拖大的时候,它就会完全显示出那些菜单按钮,把窗口变小,它们就自动隐藏了。-Let C# form controls, buttons and menus change with the change in the size of the form, in Word, you will see, when the Word form is not maximized when those buttons will be automatically hidden, use the arrow instead, click the arrow will show the hidden button, then the form on the realization of this function, when you drag the window big when it comes to a complete show that the menu button, the window becomes smaller, they automatically hidden.