: 基于G I S技术的国土资源政务信息系统是当前国土资源信息化建设的重要技术手段之一。以国产 MA P G I S为基础开发
平台, 针对国土资源电子政务信息系统设计中的设计思想和目标、 系统设计原则、 总体结构、 功能议汁、 系统数据库组织、 元数据库设
计等方面进行了较全面的分析。 详细介绍 囝土资源电子政务信息系统实现的关键技术问题 -: Based on GIS technology, land resources information system is currently the Chief of Land and Resources Information Construction one of the important technical means. To domestic MA PGIS-based development platform for e-government land and resources in the design of information systems 设计 ideology and objective, system design principles, fr a mework, function Yi juice, the system database Zuzhi, element design and other aspects of the database more comprehensive analysis . Details of e-government child Soil Resources Information System and the key technical issues
平台, 针对国土资源电子政务信息系统设计中的设计思想和目标、 系统设计原则、 总体结构、 功能议汁、 系统数据库组织、 元数据库设
计等方面进行了较全面的分析。 详细介绍 囝土资源电子政务信息系统实现的关键技术问题 -: Based on GIS technology, land resources information system is currently the Chief of Land and Resources Information Construction one of the important technical means. To domestic MA PGIS-based development platform for e-government land and resources in the design of information systems 设计 ideology and objective, system design principles, fr a mework, function Yi juice, the system database Zuzhi, element design and other aspects of the database more comprehensive analysis . Details of e-government child Soil Resources Information System and the key technical issues
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