ADO.NET pptx control and building
Sequence 2\01 - FND - Creating a Simple Winfows Forms Application with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.pptx
..........\02 - FND - Configuring Controls in Windows Forms with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.pptx
..........\03 - FND - Building Windows Forms Menus with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.pptx
..........\05 - CK - Introduction to LINQ.ppt
..........\07 - LABS - WPF.zip
Sequence 2
..........\02 - FND - Configuring Controls in Windows Forms with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.pptx
..........\03 - FND - Building Windows Forms Menus with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.pptx
..........\05 - CK - Introduction to LINQ.ppt
..........\07 - LABS - WPF.zip
Sequence 2