由于RTOS需占用一定的系统资源(尤其是RAM资源),只有μC/OS-II、embOS、salvo、FreeRTOS等少数实时操作系统能在小RAM单片机上运行。相对于C/OS-II、 embOS等商业操作系统,FreeRTOS操作系统是完全免费的操作系统,具有源码公开、可移植、可裁减、调度策略灵活的特点,可以方便地移植到各种单片机上运行,其最新版本为6.0版。-FreeRTOSTM is a portable, open source, royalty free, mini Real Time Kernel- a free to download and free to deploy RTOS that can be used in commercial applications without any requirement to expose your proprietary source code. Downloaded more than 77,500 times during 2008, FreeRTOS is the cross platform de facto standard for embedded microcontrollers.
Each official port includes a pre-configured example application demonstrating the kernel features, expediting learning, and permitting out of the box development. Support is provided by an active user community.
由于RTOS需占用一定的系统资源(尤其是RAM资源),只有μC/OS-II、embOS、salvo、FreeRTOS等少数实时操作系统能在小RAM单片机上运行。相对于C/OS-II、 embOS等商业操作系统,FreeRTOS操作系统是完全免费的操作系统,具有源码公开、可移植、可裁减、调度策略灵活的特点,可以方便地移植到各种单片机上运行,其最新版本为6.0版。-FreeRTOSTM is a portable, open source, royalty free, mini Real Time Kernel- a free to download and free to deploy RTOS that can be used in commercial applications without any requirement to expose your proprietary source code. Downloaded more than 77,500 times during 2008, FreeRTOS is the cross platform de facto standard for embedded microcontrollers.
Each official port includes a pre-configured example application demonstrating the kernel features, expediting learning, and permitting out of the box development. Support is provided by an active user community.