一劳永逸让VB自动改变控件大小,当窗体大小改变时,如何动态的改变控件的大小是许多VB程序员头痛的事。有的人设置窗体Resizable但却不改变控件的大小;有的人则根据控件的绝对位置与窗口大小相加减的办法来重新定位控件与改变大小,这种办法比较繁琐,且不可重用;当然也有人则限定窗口干脆不让改变。有没有一种简便易行的办法?答案是肯定的,下面给出一个一劳永逸的办法-VB automatically change the control once and for all so that the size, when the form is resized, how to dynamically change the size of the control of many VB programmers headaches. Some people set Resizable form the size of the control but do not change some people are under the control of absolute position and window size with addition and subtraction approach to re-position the control and change the size, this approach is relatively more complicated and can not be reused Of course, some people are limited not to change the window altogether. Is there a simple way? The answer is yes, give a permanent solution to the following