文章详细介绍了TPC编码技术及信道容限, 是一篇不错的介绍TPC的文章-An important goal for a new communication system is to transfer information at a high rate while
keeping energy consumption low. Shannon s channel capacity sets a limit on the tradeoff between the rate
of information transfer and the required energy. In this paper the performance of turbo block coding is
compared to Shannon s limit for binary communications over a channel with thermal noise. The turbo
product code is a relatively new code that offers a wide range of flexibility in terms of performance,
complexity, and code rate. The results of this paper will show that in comparison to a standard
convolutional code the turbo product code uses less power and permits a higher data rate for a given
bandwidth requirement. One of the turbo product codes discussed in this paper has a rate approximately
0.8, which is a 60 improvement in data rate over the standard convolutional code. It is also shown that
the performance of the turbo product code is close to Shannon s capacity limit
keeping energy consumption low. Shannon s channel capacity sets a limit on the tradeoff between the rate
of information transfer and the required energy. In this paper the performance of turbo block coding is
compared to Shannon s limit for binary communications over a channel with thermal noise. The turbo
product code is a relatively new code that offers a wide range of flexibility in terms of performance,
complexity, and code rate. The results of this paper will show that in comparison to a standard
convolutional code the turbo product code uses less power and permits a higher data rate for a given
bandwidth requirement. One of the turbo product codes discussed in this paper has a rate approximately
0.8, which is a 60 improvement in data rate over the standard convolutional code. It is also shown that
the performance of the turbo product code is close to Shannon s capacity limit