杜永宁 软件部 5760 王传华 销售部 3920
殷 泳 培训部 2940 杨柳青 软件部 5440。
-From the keyboard input four employees to create dynamic information of linear one-way list, Then through the list, will visit them all the staff information storage nodes in myfile to file landuse-dat j. Each employee information below:
DuYongNing software WangChuanHua sales 3920 5760 department
Yin swimming training new software 5440 department 29.4.
杜永宁 软件部 5760 王传华 销售部 3920
殷 泳 培训部 2940 杨柳青 软件部 5440。
-From the keyboard input four employees to create dynamic information of linear one-way list, Then through the list, will visit them all the staff information storage nodes in myfile to file landuse-dat j. Each employee information below:
DuYongNing software WangChuanHua sales 3920 5760 department
Yin swimming training new software 5440 department 29.4.