SEO(Search Engine Optimization),汉译为搜索引擎优化,为近年来较为流行的网络营销方式,主要目的是增加特定关键字的曝光率以增加网站的能见度,进而增加销售的机会。分为站外SEO和站内SEO两种.SEO的主要工作是通过了解各类搜索引擎如何抓取互联网页面、如何进行索引以及如何确定其对某一特定关键词的搜索结果排名等技术,来对网页进行相关的优化,使其提高搜索引擎排名,从而提高网站访问量,最终提升网站的销售能力或宣传能力的技术。-One of the grievous mistakes that many web designers
(or whoever is in charge of SEO) make is to assume
that SEO is a one-time activity. In point of fact, it is an
ongoing process that must be monitored and maintained to be
the most effective.
In the first of two chapters in Part IV, Chapter 20 explains some
of the most important elements of monitoring and maintaining
your SEO efforts. In addition, Chapter 21 helps you understand
how to analyze your SEO strategies and the techniques, conversions,
and even other types of logs that are associated with SEO.
These techniques will help you maintain SEO and continue to
gain value from your SEO efforts.
(or whoever is in charge of SEO) make is to assume
that SEO is a one-time activity. In point of fact, it is an
ongoing process that must be monitored and maintained to be
the most effective.
In the first of two chapters in Part IV, Chapter 20 explains some
of the most important elements of monitoring and maintaining
your SEO efforts. In addition, Chapter 21 helps you understand
how to analyze your SEO strategies and the techniques, conversions,
and even other types of logs that are associated with SEO.
These techniques will help you maintain SEO and continue to
gain value from your SEO efforts.
相关搜索: seo