纯文本和超文本。超文本(html)功能强大就不用多说了,它可以内嵌数种脚本语言,常见的就是vbscr ipt和javascr ipt。“欢乐时光”在超文本中夹带的就是vbs。从源代码中可以看得出来,该作者很可能是长期从事网络编程的高手,他对vbs的认识可谓精通,使用的许多技术细节都鲜为人知,尤其是利用了类型库(type library)成功地避开了安全审核的手段更是令人叹为观止。-" Happy Hour" is actually a text message using a super-scr ipting language that can be entrained the characteristics of a move in chess high. We know that the message format can have two types: plain text and hypertext. Hypertext (html) on the powerful Needless to say, and it can be embedded in several scr ipting languages, the common is vbscr ipt and javascr ipt. " Happy Hour" in the entrainment of hypertext is vbs. From the source code can see that the author may be long-term expert in network programming, vbs knowledge about his proficiency in the use of many of the technical details are known, in particular the use of a type library (type library) success to avoid a security audit tool is amazing.
纯文本和超文本。超文本(html)功能强大就不用多说了,它可以内嵌数种脚本语言,常见的就是vbscr ipt和javascr ipt。“欢乐时光”在超文本中夹带的就是vbs。从源代码中可以看得出来,该作者很可能是长期从事网络编程的高手,他对vbs的认识可谓精通,使用的许多技术细节都鲜为人知,尤其是利用了类型库(type library)成功地避开了安全审核的手段更是令人叹为观止。-" Happy Hour" is actually a text message using a super-scr ipting language that can be entrained the characteristics of a move in chess high. We know that the message format can have two types: plain text and hypertext. Hypertext (html) on the powerful Needless to say, and it can be embedded in several scr ipting languages, the common is vbscr ipt and javascr ipt. " Happy Hour" in the entrainment of hypertext is vbs. From the source code can see that the author may be long-term expert in network programming, vbs knowledge about his proficiency in the use of many of the technical details are known, in particular the use of a type library (type library) success to avoid a security audit tool is amazing.