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Decompose image into subbands, denoise using BLS-GSM method, and recompose again.

    fh = decomp_reconst(im,Nsc,filter,block,noise,parent,covariance,optim,sig)

im: image

Nsc: number of scales

filter: type of filter used (see namedFilters)

block: 2x1 vector indicating the dimensions (rows and columns) of the spatial neighborhood

noise: signal with the same autocorrelation as the noise

parent: include (1) or not (0) a coefficient from the immediately coarser scale in the neighborhood

covariance:   are we considering covariance or just variance?

optim:     for choosing between BLS-GSM (optim = 1) and MAP-GSM (optim = 0)

sig: standard deviation (scalar for uniform noise or matrix for spatially varying noise)

Version using a critically sampled pyramid (orthogonal wavelet), as implemented in MatlabPyrTools (Eero).

JPM, Univ. de Granada, 3/03-

 Decompose image into subbands, denoise using BLS-GSM method, and recompose again.

    fh = decomp_reconst(im,Nsc,filter,block,noise,parent,covariance,optim,sig)

    im:     image

    Nsc:    number of scales

    filter:   type of filter used (see namedFilters)

    block:   2x1 vector indicating the dimensions (rows and columns) of the spatial neighborhood

    noise:   signal with the same autocorrelation as the noise

    parent:   include (1) or not (0) a coefficient from the immediately coarser scale in the neighborhood

    covariance:   are we considering covariance or just variance?

    optim:     for choosing between BLS-GSM (optim = 1) and MAP-GSM (optim = 0)

    sig:    standard deviation (scalar for uniform noise or matrix for spatially varying noise)

 Version using a critically sampled pyramid (orthogonal wavelet), as implemented in MatlabPyrTools (Eero).

 JPM, Univ. de Granada, 3/03




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