Piwik是一个开放源代码的Web统计系统. 它给你一些关于你的网站的实用统计报告,比如网页浏览人数, 访问最多的页面, 搜索引擎关键词等等。并且采用了大量的AJAX/Flash技术,使得在操作上更加便易。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让开发人员根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能.
Piwik统计系统 v0.8 改进内容:
#1375:现场直播!部件不显示为 今日访问正确的数字
#1525 PDF格式:无描述进入
修正了显示的转换率-Piwik is an open source Web statistics systems. It gives you something useful about your site statistics report the number of such Web browsing, access to most of the pages, search engine keywords and so on. And uses a lot of AJAX/Flash technology, making it more easily in the operation. It also features a plug-in extensions and open API architecture that allows developers to create according to their own actual needs more features.
Piwik statistical system to improve the content of v0.8:
# 1524: adding local search engine: encrypted.google.com
# 1120: improve the living! Plug-ins and visitors log
# 1528: simple image tracking mode will automatically detect web site
# 1526: Remove the ability to disable the site is now the site selection choice scale
# 1319: Visitors log always show all data
# 1375: Live! Components are not shown as today to visit the correct figures
# 1523: Fixed a "request header field exceeds server limit"
# 1525 PDF format: No descr iption ente
Piwik统计系统 v0.8 改进内容:
#1375:现场直播!部件不显示为 今日访问正确的数字
#1525 PDF格式:无描述进入
修正了显示的转换率-Piwik is an open source Web statistics systems. It gives you something useful about your site statistics report the number of such Web browsing, access to most of the pages, search engine keywords and so on. And uses a lot of AJAX/Flash technology, making it more easily in the operation. It also features a plug-in extensions and open API architecture that allows developers to create according to their own actual needs more features.
Piwik statistical system to improve the content of v0.8:
# 1524: adding local search engine: encrypted.google.com
# 1120: improve the living! Plug-ins and visitors log
# 1528: simple image tracking mode will automatically detect web site
# 1526: Remove the ability to disable the site is now the site selection choice scale
# 1319: Visitors log always show all data
# 1375: Live! Components are not shown as today to visit the correct figures
# 1523: Fixed a "request header field exceeds server limit"
# 1525 PDF format: No descr iption ente
.........\How to install Piwik.html
.........\How to install Piwik.html