phpMyFAQ 是一个多语言,完全数据库驱动的 FAQ(问答) 系统。它支持多种数据库来存储所有数据,需要 PHP4.1 或更高的版本来访问些数据。phpMyFAQ 还提供一个带有 WYSIWYG 编辑器的内容管理系统,一个图片管理器,灵活的多用户支持,一个新闻系统,用户跟踪,一个模板系统,PDF 支持,一个备份系统和一个易于使用的安装脚本。
phpMyFAQ 2.6.7 对搜索引擎进行了全面重构,改进分页功能,并且改进在 SQL Server 下使用 php 的驱动问题。-phpMyFAQ is a multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ (quiz) system. It supports multiple databases to store all the data needed PHP4.1 or later to access these data. phpMyFAQ also offers a WYSIWYG editor with a content management system, a Picture Manager, a flexible multi-user support, a news system, user tracking, a template systems, PDF support, a backup system and an easy to use setup scr ipt. phpMyFAQ 2.6.7 conducted a comprehensive search engine refactoring, improved tabs, and improved use of php in the SQL Server driver problem.
phpMyFAQ 2.6.7 对搜索引擎进行了全面重构,改进分页功能,并且改进在 SQL Server 下使用 php 的驱动问题。-phpMyFAQ is a multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ (quiz) system. It supports multiple databases to store all the data needed PHP4.1 or later to access these data. phpMyFAQ also offers a WYSIWYG editor with a content management system, a Picture Manager, a flexible multi-user support, a news system, user tracking, a template systems, PDF support, a backup system and an easy to use setup scr ipt. phpMyFAQ 2.6.7 conducted a comprehensive search engine refactoring, improved tabs, and improved use of php in the SQL Server driver problem.
相关搜索: FAQ