人的一个步态序列利用动态 Viterbi 算法得到一个样本姿态序列,对其多个步态样本姿态序列的对应姿态取平均得到这个人的特征姿态序
列,对特征姿态采用主成分分析法和线性判别分析法处理特征空间,并用最近邻法进行识别。利用 CASIA 数据库对本文方法进行验证,
取得了较高的识别率,并对体形变化具有较强的鲁棒性-Human gait recognition is the process of identifying individuals by their walking manners. The gait as one of biometrics has recently
drawn attention to the computer vision researchers. The stance estimation of one’s each gait sequence is based on the dynamic programming-based
Viterbi algorithm, which returns a sample stance sequence. The corresponding stances of sample stance sequences are averaged to get his feature
stance sequence. Principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis are used for feature transformation of feature stances in the feature
stance sequence. The recognition is achieved by nearest neighbor algorithm. The experiments made on CASIA gait databases obtain comparatively
high correction identification ratio and comparatively strong robustness for variety of bodily form.
人的一个步态序列利用动态 Viterbi 算法得到一个样本姿态序列,对其多个步态样本姿态序列的对应姿态取平均得到这个人的特征姿态序
列,对特征姿态采用主成分分析法和线性判别分析法处理特征空间,并用最近邻法进行识别。利用 CASIA 数据库对本文方法进行验证,
取得了较高的识别率,并对体形变化具有较强的鲁棒性-Human gait recognition is the process of identifying individuals by their walking manners. The gait as one of biometrics has recently
drawn attention to the computer vision researchers. The stance estimation of one’s each gait sequence is based on the dynamic programming-based
Viterbi algorithm, which returns a sample stance sequence. The corresponding stances of sample stance sequences are averaged to get his feature
stance sequence. Principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis are used for feature transformation of feature stances in the feature
stance sequence. The recognition is achieved by nearest neighbor algorithm. The experiments made on CASIA gait databases obtain comparatively
high correction identification ratio and comparatively strong robustness for variety of bodily form.