MIMO wireless communication When we started thinking about writing this book, we had been working together for more
than five years on the borderline between propagation and signal processing. Therefore, it
is not surprising that this book deals with propagation models and design tools for MIMO
wireless communications.Yet, this book should constitute more than a simple combination
of these two domains. It hopefully conveys our integrated understanding of MIMO, which
results from endless controversial discussions on various multi-antenna related issues, as
well as various interactions with numerous colleagues. Obviously, this area of technology
is so large that it was beyond our aim to cover all aspects in details. Rather, our goal has
been to provide researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students with a comprehensive
coverage of radio propagation models and space杢ime coding techniques.
than five years on the borderline between propagation and signal processing. Therefore, it
is not surprising that this book deals with propagation models and design tools for MIMO
wireless communications.Yet, this book should constitute more than a simple combination
of these two domains. It hopefully conveys our integrated understanding of MIMO, which
results from endless controversial discussions on various multi-antenna related issues, as
well as various interactions with numerous colleagues. Obviously, this area of technology
is so large that it was beyond our aim to cover all aspects in details. Rather, our goal has
been to provide researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students with a comprehensive
coverage of radio propagation models and space杢ime coding techniques.