Pc机与单片机远程多机通信时一种实现方涪。-Abstract:Many sin91e chip mlcro contr01Iers afe usually adopted in the modem controI and data—coIIection
system to dominate on—the—spot operatlon.The powerful PC with its friendIy interface serves as the back—
stage of the 8ystem.The corre3pondence between the si“gle chIp mjcro controllers and the PC is the key to the
whole system operation.The paper introduces amethod to realize the lo“g—ra“ge correspondence between the
PC and sj“glt chip micro controllers in the followi“g aspect3:system structures,function expansion and soware,etc..
Pc机与单片机远程多机通信时一种实现方涪。-Abstract:Many sin91e chip mlcro contr01Iers afe usually adopted in the modem controI and data—coIIection
system to dominate on—the—spot operatlon.The powerful PC with its friendIy interface serves as the back—
stage of the 8ystem.The corre3pondence between the si“gle chIp mjcro controllers and the PC is the key to the
whole system operation.The paper introduces amethod to realize the lo“g—ra“ge correspondence between the
PC and sj“glt chip micro controllers in the followi“g aspect3:system structures,function expansion and soware,etc..