HPI.c 该文件是操作HPI的代码,包括HPI读写操作(地址固定或者自增模式)。
电路图.pdf 该文件是HPI和S3C44B0X的电路连接原理图,本电路图注重于描述主机CPU(即ARM芯片S3C44B0)和C6713间的HPI连接方式,所以,电路连接标号一般只涉及ARM、C6713之间的连接关系,至于C6713的其他部分(如SDRAM、FLASH等)和部分控制信号、电源信号都略去。读者朋友可参考另外相关的章节。-The code in this folder is " HPI module" of the corresponding code. HPI.c the file is HPI operation code, including HPI read and write operation (address fixed or self-growth model). Circuit. Pdf files are HPI and S3C44B0X the circuit connection diagram, circuit diagram focusing on the descr iption of the main CPU (the ARM chip S3C44B0) and C6713 connection between the HPI, therefore, the circuit connection label generally involve ARM, C6713 between connection relations, as in other parts of C6713 (such as SDRAM, FLASH, etc.) and some control signals, power signals are omitted. Readers may refer to other relevant chapters.
HPI.c 该文件是操作HPI的代码,包括HPI读写操作(地址固定或者自增模式)。
电路图.pdf 该文件是HPI和S3C44B0X的电路连接原理图,本电路图注重于描述主机CPU(即ARM芯片S3C44B0)和C6713间的HPI连接方式,所以,电路连接标号一般只涉及ARM、C6713之间的连接关系,至于C6713的其他部分(如SDRAM、FLASH等)和部分控制信号、电源信号都略去。读者朋友可参考另外相关的章节。-The code in this folder is " HPI module" of the corresponding code. HPI.c the file is HPI operation code, including HPI read and write operation (address fixed or self-growth model). Circuit. Pdf files are HPI and S3C44B0X the circuit connection diagram, circuit diagram focusing on the descr iption of the main CPU (the ARM chip S3C44B0) and C6713 connection between the HPI, therefore, the circuit connection label generally involve ARM, C6713 between connection relations, as in other parts of C6713 (such as SDRAM, FLASH, etc.) and some control signals, power signals are omitted. Readers may refer to other relevant chapters.
相关搜索: hpi
HPI 模块实例\HPI.C
............\代码 电路图说明.txt
HPI 模块实例
............\代码 电路图说明.txt
HPI 模块实例