DOJO API 中文参考手册,附加注解实例
Dojo 体系架构总体上来看是一个分层的体系架构。最下面的一层是包系统,Dojo API 的结构与 Java 很类似,它把所有的 API 分成不
同的包(package),当您要使用某个 API 时,只需导入这个 API 所在的包。包系统上面一层是语言库,这个语言库里包含一些语言工具 API,类似于 Java
-Chinese DOJO API reference manual, annotated examples of architecture in general terms Dojo is a layered architecture. The bottom layer is a package system, Dojo API is very similar to the structure and Java, which all of the API into different package (package), when you want to use an API, simply import the API where the package. Pack system is the language layer above the library, the library contains a number of language tools language API, similar to the Java
Dojo 体系架构总体上来看是一个分层的体系架构。最下面的一层是包系统,Dojo API 的结构与 Java 很类似,它把所有的 API 分成不
同的包(package),当您要使用某个 API 时,只需导入这个 API 所在的包。包系统上面一层是语言库,这个语言库里包含一些语言工具 API,类似于 Java
-Chinese DOJO API reference manual, annotated examples of architecture in general terms Dojo is a layered architecture. The bottom layer is a package system, Dojo API is very similar to the structure and Java, which all of the API into different package (package), when you want to use an API, simply import the API where the package. Pack system is the language layer above the library, the library contains a number of language tools language API, similar to the Java