异步串行通信是Windows下与硬体设备打交道、实现测量、测试、监察、控制、验证等自动化系统及其仪表仪器体系数据传输经常采用的简单易行方式,通过恰到好处的软件设计。可以达到实时、高速、高效、可靠。实现异步串行通信的软件设计方法很多,每种方法都有优势和不足。选择合适的设计方法.并对所选方法进行取长补短和综合应用,是实现可靠和高效的异步串行通信的关键所在。-Asynchronous serial communication is Windows, dealing with the hardware to achieve measuring, testing, monitoring, control, verification and other automated systems and instrumentation system for data transmission often used simple means, through software design just right. Can achieve real-time, high-speed, efficient and reliable. Asynchronous serial communication software design many ways, each approach has strengths and weaknesses. Select the appropriate design approach. And the chosen method of complementarity and integration of applications to achieve reliable and efficient asynchronous serial communication key.
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