本教程举例说明了如何使用 ADO 编程模型对数据源进行查询及更新。教程首先讲述了完成此项任务的必要步骤,然后分别通过 Microsoft® Visual Basic、以 VC++ Extensions 为特征的 Microsoft® Visual C++、Microsoft® Visual Basic® 、scr ipting Edition 和以 ADO for Windows Foundation Classes (ADO/WFC) 为特征的 Microsoft® Visual J++® 进行更为具体的说明。-This tutorial illustrates how to use the ADO programming model to query and update the data source. Tutorial starts by describing the steps necessary to accomplish this task, and then respectively, through Microsoft ® Visual Basic, in order to VC++ Extensions for the characteristics of Microsoft ® Visual C++, Microsoft ® Visual Basic ® , scr ipting Edition and in ADO for Windows Foundation Classes (ADO/WFC ) featuring Microsoft ® Visual J++ ® for more specific instructions.
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