1) 在设置模式下,用户可以通过按键设置允许最高温度TH 、允许最低温度TL 及转换精度。
2) 在测温模式下,实时测出当前温度并显示。(可采用LED显示或LCD显示,显示结果精度不得低于0.1°C)。
3)在测温模式下,实时比较当前温度与报警温度,当高于高温报警TH 时,系统红灯亮,声音警报响,同时启动冷却电路开始制冷(冷却电路的启动用继电器控制);当在高温报警TH与低温报警TL 之间时,系统绿灯亮。
-Function: the completion of the design of a in the setting mode, the user can set the buttons to allow the maximum temperature TH, allowing a minimum temperature of TL and conversion accuracy. 2) In the temperature mode, real-time measure the current temperature and displayed. (LED display or LCD display can be used to show the results of accuracy of not less than 0.1 ° C). 3) In the temperature mode, real-time compare the current temperature and alarm temperature, when the TH is higher than high-temperature alarm, the system red light, sound alarm sound at the same time began to start the cooling circuit cooling (cooling circuit to start with the relay control) when the high-temperature alarm TL between TH and low-temperature alarm, the system green light.
1) 在设置模式下,用户可以通过按键设置允许最高温度TH 、允许最低温度TL 及转换精度。
2) 在测温模式下,实时测出当前温度并显示。(可采用LED显示或LCD显示,显示结果精度不得低于0.1°C)。
3)在测温模式下,实时比较当前温度与报警温度,当高于高温报警TH 时,系统红灯亮,声音警报响,同时启动冷却电路开始制冷(冷却电路的启动用继电器控制);当在高温报警TH与低温报警TL 之间时,系统绿灯亮。
-Function: the completion of the design of a in the setting mode, the user can set the buttons to allow the maximum temperature TH, allowing a minimum temperature of TL and conversion accuracy. 2) In the temperature mode, real-time measure the current temperature and displayed. (LED display or LCD display can be used to show the results of accuracy of not less than 0.1 ° C). 3) In the temperature mode, real-time compare the current temperature and alarm temperature, when the TH is higher than high-temperature alarm, the system red light, sound alarm sound at the same time began to start the cooling circuit cooling (cooling circuit to start with the relay control) when the high-temperature alarm TL between TH and low-temperature alarm, the system green light.
temperature control system.doc