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  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • snowl******
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1、  华为招聘部门目前正在使用一套基于NOTES开发的招聘系统,但是由于NOTES固有的特性:如不是关系型数据库,统计查询的功能有限,处理海量数据的速度比较慢等原因,使招聘工作的电子化需求没有得到很好的满足。鉴于招聘工作的日益繁复,招聘部门急需一套基于WEB方式的崭新的招聘系统,既能满足目前招聘工作的需要,又能满足未来工作的拓展。

2、  该项目作为华为网站项目中的一部分而提出。此招聘系统实质是华为网站(www.huawei.com)的招聘栏目及与此栏目有关的后台处理和管理系统。

-1, Huawei is currently being used recruiting department developed a set of NOTES-based recruitment system, but because of the inherent characteristics NOTES: If not a relational database, statistical inquiry limited functionality to handle huge amount of data more slowly and other reasons, so that recruitment e-needs are not well satisfied. In view of the increasing complexity of recruitment, the recruitment department needed a completely new set of WEB-based recruitment system, both to meet the current needs of the recruitment process, but also to meet future expansion of the work.

2, the project as part of Huawei s Web site project proposed. This recruitment system, in essence, Huawei s website (www.huawei.com) and with the recruitment section of this section relating to background processing and management systems.





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