只有用了Rxlib2.75中的两个控件,一个是用来做TrayIcon的(TRxTrayIcon),还有一个是用来选颜色的(TColorComboBox), 大家可以到Rxlib专栏中下载这个控件- In useful Rxlib2.75 two have only controlled, is uses for to
make TrayIcon (TRxTrayIcon), but also some is uses for to choose the
color (TColorComboBox), everybody may arrive in the Rxlib column to
download this to control
make TrayIcon (TRxTrayIcon), but also some is uses for to choose the
color (TColorComboBox), everybody may arrive in the Rxlib column to
download this to control
压缩包 : neticq.zip 列表 2ccc.com.txt ChatRoomUnit.dfm ChatRoomUnit.pas ChatUnit.dfm ChatUnit.pas main.dfm main.pas NetICQ.cfg NetICQ.dof NetICQ.dpr neticq.exe NetICQ.res neticq.txt NickNameUnit.dfm NickNameUnit.pas ReceivedUnit.dfm ReceivedUnit.pas