This package contains scr ipt to calculate aliasing for given time domain signal. scr ipt to plot in time domain the function: x(t)=A0cos(2pif0t)+A1cos(2pif1t)
where fs1=300 Hz and fs2=150 Hz (sampling rate)
A0 and A1 are amplitude s signal (armónicos).
f0 is the maximun component in frecuency of the signal to sample,
when it shows X(t) signal with a sampling frecuency 300 Hz,
we will see Aliasing :)
It s because we aren t meetting with the Nyquist Theorem, because we don t choice Fs>=2FNy Fs(Sampling Frec) FNy(Frec Nyquist) to sample aplying fft(fast fourier transform) with at least 600 Hz.
By actinio --vjgonzalezg@gmail.com-This package contains scr ipt to calculate aliasing for given time domain signal. scr ipt to plot in time domain the function: x(t)=A0cos(2pif0t)+A1cos(2pif1t)
where fs1=300 Hz and fs2=150 Hz (sampling rate)
A0 and A1 are amplitude s signal (armónicos).
f0 is the maximun component in frecuency of the signal to sample,
when it shows X(t) signal with a sampling frecuency 300 Hz,
we will see Aliasing :)
It s because we aren t meetting with the Nyquist Theorem, because we don t choice Fs>=2FNy Fs(Sampling Frec) FNy(Frec Nyquist) to sample aplying fft(fast fourier transform) with at least 600 Hz.
By actinio --vjgonzalezg@gmail.com--
where fs1=300 Hz and fs2=150 Hz (sampling rate)
A0 and A1 are amplitude s signal (armónicos).
f0 is the maximun component in frecuency of the signal to sample,
when it shows X(t) signal with a sampling frecuency 300 Hz,
we will see Aliasing :)
It s because we aren t meetting with the Nyquist Theorem, because we don t choice Fs>=2FNy Fs(Sampling Frec) FNy(Frec Nyquist) to sample aplying fft(fast fourier transform) with at least 600 Hz.
By actinio --vjgonzalezg@gmail.com-This package contains scr ipt to calculate aliasing for given time domain signal. scr ipt to plot in time domain the function: x(t)=A0cos(2pif0t)+A1cos(2pif1t)
where fs1=300 Hz and fs2=150 Hz (sampling rate)
A0 and A1 are amplitude s signal (armónicos).
f0 is the maximun component in frecuency of the signal to sample,
when it shows X(t) signal with a sampling frecuency 300 Hz,
we will see Aliasing :)
It s because we aren t meetting with the Nyquist Theorem, because we don t choice Fs>=2FNy Fs(Sampling Frec) FNy(Frec Nyquist) to sample aplying fft(fast fourier transform) with at least 600 Hz.
By actinio --vjgonzalezg@gmail.com--