Advances of diverse wireless access technologies are
defining the trends of future wireless networks, named Next
Generation Wireless Networks (NGWN), where several access
technologies will coexist and devices will be equipped with
different network interfaces, in order to take advantage of each
access technology. In NGWN communication maintenance is a
concept willing to reach. Therefore, strategies to tackle
mobility and multihoming issues are required. In this paper we
propose an extension of HIP in order to cover challenges that
end to end mobility presents in NGWN. Our approach consists
on sending access technology related information before
handover execution occurs, in order to optimize handover
process. Moreover, the extension tackles QoS issues by sending
application requirements as well as restrictions or
improvements affecting its performance in the new access
defining the trends of future wireless networks, named Next
Generation Wireless Networks (NGWN), where several access
technologies will coexist and devices will be equipped with
different network interfaces, in order to take advantage of each
access technology. In NGWN communication maintenance is a
concept willing to reach. Therefore, strategies to tackle
mobility and multihoming issues are required. In this paper we
propose an extension of HIP in order to cover challenges that
end to end mobility presents in NGWN. Our approach consists
on sending access technology related information before
handover execution occurs, in order to optimize handover
process. Moreover, the extension tackles QoS issues by sending
application requirements as well as restrictions or
improvements affecting its performance in the new access