QuickTime Streaming Server 6是Apple基于标准的、开放式源代码的流式服务器软件的新版本,它包括以下新功能:跳读保护(Skip Protection),一项获得专利的特性组合,它可以保证Internet上数字流的质量,防止中断;全新的易于使用、基于Web的界面,用户可以在本地或远程进行管理,实现服务器配置。作为Internet流媒体联盟(ISMA)的创建者之一,Apple不断致力于开发符合业界标准的产品和技术,通过提高互*作性来优化用户的使用体验,目前QuickTime已被国际标准组织(ISO)选为MPEG-4的基本文件格式,可预见Apple将有更多MPEG-4 产品和技术的推出。
QuickTime正迅速成为世界领先的跨平台多媒体技术,而且是迄今为止唯一的开放式源代码、基于标准的数字流解决方案。-open source project intended for developers who need to stream QuickTime and MPEG-4 media on alternative platforms such as Windows, Linux, and Solaris, or those developers who need to extend and/or modify the existing streaming server code to fit their needs. Darwin Streaming Server is only supported by the open source community and is not eligible for technical support from Apple. Apple hosts a number of email discussion lists for Darwin Streaming Server users and developers to share ideas and discuss deployment scenarios.
QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) is Apple’s commercial streaming server delivered as part of Mac OS X Server. QTSS provides users with enhanced administration and media management tools as a result of the tight integration with Mac OS X Server these tools are not available as part of the open source project. Technical support is available for QTSS as part of the AppleCare support plans provided for Mac OS X Server and Xserve.
Both DSS and QTSS are built on a
QuickTime正迅速成为世界领先的跨平台多媒体技术,而且是迄今为止唯一的开放式源代码、基于标准的数字流解决方案。-open source project intended for developers who need to stream QuickTime and MPEG-4 media on alternative platforms such as Windows, Linux, and Solaris, or those developers who need to extend and/or modify the existing streaming server code to fit their needs. Darwin Streaming Server is only supported by the open source community and is not eligible for technical support from Apple. Apple hosts a number of email discussion lists for Darwin Streaming Server users and developers to share ideas and discuss deployment scenarios.
QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) is Apple’s commercial streaming server delivered as part of Mac OS X Server. QTSS provides users with enhanced administration and media management tools as a result of the tight integration with Mac OS X Server these tools are not available as part of the open source project. Technical support is available for QTSS as part of the AppleCare support plans provided for Mac OS X Server and Xserve.
Both DSS and QTSS are built on a